I was just out doing a little bit of weeding -- the lettuce is now mature enough that I can tell the difference between it and the weeds -- and was pulling up the hundreds of little sprouts that have taken over the lettuce square of the garden. I pulled up about two dozen before I starting smelling something yummy. Very yummy. And I realized I must be pulling up something edible.
I tasted the sprouts, and yep, it's cilantro. That part of the garden was overwhelmed with cilantro last year. I bought a plant that was already too mature, and it went to seed right away. So I kind of let it wither there.
Apparently it dropped seed all summer, and now it's starting to take hold again. I stopped pulling the sprouts because of the rain, but I'm not sure what to do now. Should I keep pulling them? Any chance they'll grow happily next to the lettuce? Should I take them out and give away the seedlings?
Oye. I have such a black thumb.
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